Oscar-winning actress Emma Stone revealed this week her real name is Emily and that she would love to be called by her actual ...
Emma Stone admitted she “would like to be” addressed by her real name — Emily. The “La La Land” star revealed she prefers her ...
Emma Stone' is not Emma Stone's real name. Now the two-time Oscar winner has decided she prefers to be called by her given ...
Emma Stone was born Emily Jean Stone in Scottsdale, Arizona. Here's why she changed her name and what she prefers to be ...
She may have climbed the Hollywood ladder as Emma Stone, but the Cruella actress is ready to revert to her real name. The ...
Maybe Taylor Swift’s “When Emma Falls In Love” isn’t about Emma Stone after all. If it was, it would be called “When Emily ...
Mark Ruffalo agreed to call Emma Stone by her real name, writing "we love you, Emily" on X while sharing an article about her ...
Oscar winner reveals she uses Emma professionally and would like fans to call her by her given name ...
Emma Stone has said it would be 'so nice' if people referred to her by her actual name. Here's a bit of Hollywood trivia for you, some of the most famous actors around aren't actually going by ...
Hollywood sensation Emma Stone, known for her roles in award-winning films, has made a surprising declaration about her real name. Fans everywhere will be shocked by this. Emma Stone is changing her ...
Emma Stone wants to switch her moniker back to her real name. The La La Land star is using a stage name after hers was ...